Effective date: Jul 1, 2017
We’re so convinced you’ll absolutely love our digital services, that we’re willing to offer a 14 day risk-free money back guarantee 100%. If you are not satisfied with the digital service for any reason you can get a refund * within 14 days of making a purchase. **
* Charges of additional service mentioned in “Additional services section” are not refundable.
** Any service that has been purchased during promotion sale is not entitled for any refund.
Additional services
Please note that any additional services such as cloud hosting, value added services, custom work, domain, hosting, logo & branding, website design, web app development, mobile app development, e-commerce solutions, SEO, SMO, PPC, software development, fixed installation service charges or technical support are non-refundable as our time cannot be recovered.
Contacting us
If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may send an email to info@directatt.com